Monday, November 21, 2016


Yes, I know it's not technically winter yet, but to me, the winter is here when everything is covered in snow and I'm dressed in 3 layers of clothing head to toe. In Alaska in particular, it's hard to accept that it's not winter yet when we're surrounded by mountains covered in snow and hemlock trees that have turned into dancing white sculptures. And then there is the one of a kind magical silence that only winter snowfall can create. It's best experienced deep in the woods...
This past weekend we spent the night at the Dale Clemens cabin. To get there, we had to hike about 3 miles up the Lost Lake trail through deep hemlock forest. Some snow had already fallen in town, but it wasn't until we entered the woods that I was struck by the enchantment that this snowfall offered.
I was in a bit of a sour mood leading up to our hike, but as soon as we entered the woods my energy shifted. I am a firm believer in the healing and restorative power of nature, and this time wasn't any different. 

As soon as we entered the woods, we were greeted by snowflakes. We stopped, looked up and paused to relish the enchanted feeling of watching snow fall. It descended in such a unified and controlled way that made me feel the pace of time - a slow, steady and harmonious process. The snow had a singular purpose and it was executing it beautifully. 
Looking up, we also noticed the chandeliers that nature had created out of hemlock branches and snow flakes. We started to hike again with snow-covered and wild blueberry bushes beside us, their dark blue fruit shimmering beneath the snowy hats. And although the silence was broken by the sounds of snow crunching beneath our feet, the sense of awe and calmness that this winter wonderland offered kept our hearts enchanted for the rest of the hike.

Overnight, more snow had fallen and the tracks we had made the day before were now dusted with snow, creating shadowy dips and mounds on the trail. And with that, the vivid memories we had made in those same places just 24 hours earlier had become part of the magical silence and endless renewal that these snow-covered woods offered to anyone and everyone that greeted it.

Happy snowy adventures!
~Modern Akhmatova

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