Friday, September 25, 2015

Biking with little kids

Yesterday was a treasure of a day
So many beautiful memories made
We hung out, drank coffee, cooked, ate, biked, wrestled on the living room floor, and laughed
It was a treasure of a day.

Two kids and two adults,
Two on bikes and two in a bike trailer.
We rode on sidewalks, neighborhood roads and local bike paths.
All along the way, the kids screamed and giggled,
Over a bump, they'd say "Bump, Bump!"
Down a hill, they'd howl with joy as the wind ruffled their hair.
But their favorite of all was going through the tunnels.
It is then that their euphoria reached its peak.
It is then that we all joined in a chorus, screaming and shouting;
Giving voice to the wind, speed and wonder of the BICYCLE.
Two adults and two kids,
The joy, camaraderie and love exchanged,
All because we went on a BIKE RIDE.

Following are bits and pieces of a conversation my youngest niece and I had during this bike ride. We speak Serbian, so that's why I included that version before translating it into English.
  1. "Dobar ti je ovaj sport, Tamara." / "This is a good sport, Tamara." - my niece
  2. "A jel ti ides svuda sa ovim biciklom?" / "Do you go everywhere with this bicycle?" - my niece. "Da."/"Yes." - me. Tisina/Silence from my nience. :) 
  3. "Tamara, moram da kazem Tati da je ovo brze od auta." / "Tamara, I have to tell dad that this is [biking] faster than the car." - my niece. "Pa da, to je zato sto osecas vetar po glavi." / "Well yes, that's because you feel the wind in your hair." - me. "Da, kao kad su svi prozori otvoreni u kolima." / "Yes, just like when all the windows are wide open in the car." - my niece. 

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