Monday, February 16, 2015


As noted in previous posts, my significant other (SO) and I review our finances (savings and spending breakdown) on a monthly basis. The two main tools we use to track all of this information and make projections into the future are Mint and Google spreadsheets. We discuss many different things during these monthly financial reviews, including ideas for how to save even more. One such idea that came up during our recent annual review is haircuts. 

I have been cutting my own hair for over 5 years now and my SO wanted me to start cutting his hair so that we could save the $100 or so a year that he spends on haircuts and use that money instead toward experiencing things together. As I mentioned before, we don't believe in being cheap, we believe in using our money toward experiences that fulfill us. Furthermore, being creative about how we save our money has the added benefit of having fun together and the thrill of DIY-ness that comes from experimenting with things like this. 

So on Wednesday of last week we decided to finally try it. I found a great video on YouTube on how to cut hair similar to his, watched it twice, took notes and went for it! We didn't really have any appropriate hair cutting tools that are used in the video, but we decided to do it anyway. I used our regular scissors, a simple hair comb, and a tarp to collect the cut hair. When his hair got too dry he'd just dump it under the sink :). 

At first, I was really concerned and unsure of whether I was doing a good job, but I took my time and the longer I did it the more comfortable and fun it became. The one thing that became obvious pretty quickly was that the scissors we had were NOT meant for cutting hair! But that didn't stop us. I managed to cut off about 2 or so inches all around, and in the end, after about 30 minutes, SO had a pretty descent haircut. For all intents and purposes this DIY haircut experiment was a success. 

We'll try to do this again in two months and see how it goes. For now we'll enjoy the fact that his hair looks decent, we saved some money, had fun in the process, and learned something new!

Happy DIY experimenting!
Modern Akhmatova

Saturday, February 7, 2015


Winter time is my partner's favorite season. If it was up to him, we'd be living in Alaska or Antarctica right about now. We probably will some day, at least for a bit of time, but for now we're in good 'ol Maryland, south of the Mason-Dixon Line, where it doesn't seriously snow until February, but the government and school systems shut down at the sight of snowflakes starting in December. Needless to say you won't find many people in these parts who are enthusiastic about cold weather.
But for my significant other (SO) and I, winter season brings so many simple joys. Since moving in together 2 years ago, we've made it a tradition to go out and tour the surrounding neighborhoods when Christmas lights and awesome decorations start popping up. We usually walk around or bike. I also get to enjoy these lights and sparkling snow on a daily basis during my walks. It's one of my favorite American traditions and I almost wish people kept their lights up year around (it's actually what we do in our own home).
And then there is the joy of winter biking! At the end of 2013, my SO and I began riding our bikes in winter weather. We bought our first set of winter tires and off we went to practice riding on snow and ice. It was hilarious at first because it felt and looked like we were learning to bike for the very first time. Soon enough though we were riding all over the place, so much so that I started riding 12 miles to work round-trip every day. We've moved since and now SO rides to work about 20 miles a day round-trip every day! We continue to bike around town to get groceries, go to the post office and the library. All in all, it's a great way to enjoy winter weather without harming the environment, use all that winter gear sitting in the closet, and stay fit!
Entrance to the Old Rag Mountain
parking area
SO at the top of Old Rag mountain
 looking across toward the
Shenandoah National Park.
Another winter activity that's become a tradition for us is a camping trip right around Christmas time. This year we decided to hike and camp on the Old Rag Mountain trail right outside of the Shenandoah National Park. We've been doing this for three years now and we absolutely love it! There are barely any people out on the trails during this time of year, so we have the mountain all to ourselves. It's also a way for us to get away from Christmas-mania and take comfort in nature together.
Homemade Nutella and fudge 
Serbian St. Sava celebration
Fire pit!    
Although we try to get away from the consumerism of the holiday season, we very much enjoy holiday festivities and the quality time we get to have with our loved ones. There is always lots and lots of good food around this time of year and our families like to make everything from scratch, so everything is always super delicious and we enjoy it in the comfort of home. We also travel to upstate NY every year to visit family friends for the New Year celebration. They have a large property and they love to have fun, so whenever we're up there my SO takes advantage of the opportunity to make huge bonfires that everyone gets to enjoy! And lastly, earlier this month I got to enjoy the Serbian Saint Sava celebration with my family. We dressed up, danced and ate a lot, which is typical for any Serbian event :).

So that's it for now! We're about to head to Alaska for a two-week vacation to enjoy -35 degree weather. Brrrrr. We'll see how I feel about the joys of winter season once we return! Until then...

Happy winter living!
Modern Akhmatova